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hari yg dnnanti2 kan.. yg x dsangkakan...!!

Music Here!

iftar form 2.. puasa.. ngee..
Written at Khamis, 25 Mac 2010 | back to top

hari ini... hari yg penat.. sahur tadi, da makan byk .. nasi kukus dgn honey star...

time mateplajarn sejarah>>
urggh!! pening yarabbi..! hanye allah yg tawu.. dah la smlm pnye nota x cyap...!! nk tmbh nota hari ne kat ppan putih, msti cyapkan nota semalam duluw..!!ana tiru cket nota alya..!! nice notes..!! thats not mmbuatkan ana puninx kupala..!!! tp still puninx gak..!! start kat ctu, LALOLALa GETS CRAZZY..!! u no me.. lpas tu plak
KHB>> kerja kayu, ana buley lpas kan geram ana kat kayu tuh..!!!

sabar dan sabar.pose musty sabar .. ana sabar,, (insyaallah..) adekah anda sabar..??
blajarlah bsabar dgn bpuasa..!!
(ana bknnye jenis org yg bsabar..>_< )
